Thursday, January 22, 2015

Squeeze the Day - Duffey.

I have a new line of thinking this year as we try and get out skiing during the 'atmospheric river events' and pineapple expresses here on the coast. That line of thinking is: Fit as much as possible into every day out. No matter how hard I stare at the weather models, gittery from espresso shots, I can't predict the outcome of these storms so I have just started to squeeze as much skiing as the body will allow into each outing because 'you neva know what ya gunna git"! (F Gump)...

Had a couple of great days recently with friends, leaving and returning to the house in the dark, smiling and stoked. If this is the mantra for 2015 so be it.

We headed to a familiar zone the other day and spent some time on the N, NE aspects lapping the alpine above 1700m. Nice 200-350 m shots in well settled snow.

Brad assembling.

Some nice windpress on the access ridge this day.

Scoping out the options of entry into the main zone.


Todd. If anyone says split-boarders are slow in the transitions, they haven't ridden with Todd!

Brad pushing snow leftwards.

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